St.Joseph English Secondary School
Budhanilkantha-08,Golfutar , Kathmandu
Dambar Singh K.C.
Welcome to St. Joseph’s English Academy. We are serving in education sector at local level base since 1999. We are very pleased to be part of this community and enjoy the close relationships that we have with our locality in serving students. Our school continues to garner for the individual work we are accomplishing with students daily with the many options we provide. Many families enroll in our programs to maintain actively meaningful role in the education of their...
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Budhanilkantha-08,Golfutar , Kathmandu
014370215, 014371715
About Us
Our Mission
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Our Vision
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
St. Joseph’s English Academy maintains a very healthy atmosphere in the school canteen with a provision for supplying clean, properly filtered drinking water. The lunch and snacks served by the school canteen to the students is nutritious and healthy as it is prepared from fresh and properly cleaned ingredients. The school menu does keep changing according to the season and market availability, which is informed to the students through the school notice. We shall, however, be able to maintain and enhance our efforts only with the fullest cooperation of the parents and guardians.
Our primary goal is the safe transportation of students to and from school. There will be regular bus transport for the children with stops in the main centres of the locality. We work diligently to make sure that transportation services are efficient and cost effective for SJA families. We need you to do your part too. Parents and guardians, please assume the responsibility of safety at bus stops including getting children to and from bus stop. We rely on your involvement to keep our students (your children) safe from harm as they travel to and from school. Please ensure student is at designated stop 5 minutes prior to actual pick up time. Children not using school bus must be dropped off and collected as per the school rules.
The health of the children is a matter of primary concern. Regular medical check-up is carried out for all the students in the school by specialist medical practitioner.
First Aid : First Aid medication is available in school. Prescription medication that needs to be taken during school hours should be sent with a note stating the time and dosage to be given. The school gives first aid to students receiving minor injuries during school hours. The school informs the parents if it feels the child needs specialist treatment. While the school takes maximum precautions for the safety of the children, it expects the parents to cooperate in the maintenance of good health and safety practices for the greater well being of children.
St. Joseph’s English Academy has stringent safety procedures in order to protect your children while in our care. Unauthorized people are not allowed into the school. Sometimes, it is necessary for someone else to collect your child. On these occasions it is essential that staff are informed and the ‘Collection Book’ filled in with the person’s name. Failure to do this could result in the staff refusing to let your child go with that person.
St. Joseph’s English Academy value music as a critical learning tool that keeps students engaged in school, helps develop well-rounded individuals and encourages skills that are vital for success. A music- and – movement programme in St. Joseph’s English Academy helps to develop rhythm and coordination in children in order for him/her to express himself/herself.
Dance Classes : Dance is known to increase flexibility and coordination, improve muscle tone and enhance the sense of rhythm. Our Dance program is taught by an accomplished dance instructor in a playful but structured way. Its main goals are to help children develop self-awareness and encourage their expressive potential through public performance.
St. Joseph’s English Academy is affiliated to Nepal Taekwondo Association. Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific Korean traditional martial arts, that teaches more than physical fighting skills. It is a discipline that shows ways of enhancing our spirit and life through training our body and mind. Today Taekwondo has become a global sport that has gained an international reputation, and stands among the official games in the Olympics also. Let’s take a closer look at the meaning of the word ‘Tae’ ‘Kwon’ ‘Do’. It is composed of three parts as shown in the English spelling, though it is one word in Korean. ‘Tae’ means ‘foot’, ‘leg’ or ‘to step on’; ‘Kwon’ means ‘fist’ or ‘fight’; and ‘Do’ means the ‘way’ or ‘discipline’. If we put these three parts together, we can see two important concepts behind ‘Tae Kwon Do’. First, Taekwondo is the right way of using Tae and Kwon ‘fists and feet’, or all the parts of the body that are represented by fists and feet. Respecting and abiding by the rules and regulations that govern it, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, friendship, camaraderie and goodwill among the members of the St. Joseph’s English Academy for the glory of sports and for the honour of our school.
We assess how young children are learning and developing them frequently. We use information that we gain from observations. We believe that parents know their children best and ask them to contribute to assessment by sharing information about what their children like to do at home and how they as parents are supporting development. The academic year at St. Joseph’s English Academy is divided into four semesters.
Besides this, St. Joseph’s English Academy have Continuous Assessment System (CAS). Students have to go through practical exam like assignment, report writing, mini-project works, project works and lab practice through other different tasks that are assigned to the students according to their level and subject. At St. Joseph’s English Academy children’s progress and improvement are monitored on regular basis. Emphasis is placed upon reinforcement of the lesson taught and not judgment. St. Joseph’s children are motivated to have right attitudes towards life and learning, recognizing that habits formed at this age last a life time. St. Joseph’s children’s continuous evaluation is summarized in four semesters and detailed progress is presented to parents at the end of each semester during the meeting with parents.
The language laboratory is an integral part of SJA, which enhances the language of the students. Language laboratory is a power packed with an array of comprehensive study materials. Various activities like miming and role-plays are carried out using audio visual and projector. This lab is extensively used for teaching correct pronunciation both in English and Nepali. Students listening skills are horned in the lab with the help of speeches, songs and documentaries. The Language laboratory supports students whose learning styles have created barriers to academic progress and to remove accents and any hesitation that child may have in speaking the language. This is designed to help them develop awareness of how they learn, improve their language skills and help them internalize the study routine that facilitate the learning process