Nepal Mega School
Anamnagar , Kathmandu
Prof. Dr. Hom Nath Bhattarai
It’s my immense pleasure to announce that Nepal Mega School has been extended as a Wing of Nepal Mega College, Babarmahal, Kathmandu. Now, we have a MEGA institute from Day Care & Play Group to Post Graduate under the same management. During this journey, we realized that school education is the foundation of a student’s career.
Therefore, we have come up with an academia where a child’s potentiality and dynamism could be fully explor... See More
Anamnagar , Kathmandu
+977 1-4102687, 4102993
About Us
Nepal Mega School has been established as a Wing of Nepal Mega College. We have a team of experienced professionals, academicians and entrepreneurs who have clear vision of education as per the demand of the present global age.We wish to provide quality education that meets the standard of modern era without any compromise in terms of academic curricula, facilities, and varieties of non-academic expositions.
We ensure the blend of our cultural and traditional values along with hard work, smartness, ambitions and innovative scientific approach to teaching learning process. We firmly believe in the motto ‘We have to think big to be Big’! Therefore, the child will be exposed to practical teaching learning atmosphere. He/she will be provided ample opportunity to learn the things by doing and observing instead of merely by rote learning.
This will definitely enable him/her to be a leader rather than simply a follower. We are well aware of the prerequisite facilities for school education, and would like to emphasize on the well furnished infrastructure ensuring favorable atmosphere for the better learning activities. We assure your child will entertain the atmosphere here to mould his/her holistic dynamism.
The school has a library to enhance effective and holistic teaching/learning process. Along with course books, reference books help supplement text-book teaching-learning.
To unearth the hidden aptitude of students the college has special provision of sports. The Sports Department provides the necessary sports facilities.
The college provides transportation facility for easy conveyance of students in and around the Ring Road.